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Every Naylor & Naylor piece is expertly handcrafted in Italy. Designed to be elegant, yet versatile. Worn time and again whatever the occasion, wherever life takes you.

Handcrafted in Italy. Inspired by Life.

Journal - Master

Welcome to Naylor & Naylor’s launch collection of bench made, luxury Italian leather accessories and jewelry, a collection that reflects our European-American heritage and love of travel, fashion, art and design.

Welcome to Naylor & Naylor

Guest User


Welcome to Naylor & Naylor’s launch collection of bench made, luxury Italian leather accessories and jewelry, a collection that reflects our European-American heritage and love of travel, fashion, art and design.

Since early childhood, we have had the good fortune to travel, by reason of our parent’s and our own careers, entwined in the golden age of transatlantic flight (more on that in other journal posts!) We’ve never tired of the excitement and adventure of it all as we continue to explore new and revisit old destinations. In fact, it was during one of our beloved annual expeditions to Italy that Naylor & Naylor was born.

Like many an adventure, it all started with a narrow doorway, a glimpse of something beautiful, and, in this case, the incredible smell of leather. We stepped inside — and the rest, as they say, is history. We are thrilled that you too can now experience the result of that fateful day.

We believe that age is just a number. So, with that in mind, all of our accessories and jewelry reflect the woman (or man) who appreciates beautiful design and quality no matter where she (or he) is on the journey through life. The Naylor & Naylor launch collection will look and feel great from coffee shop to boardroom, chasing the kids in the park or lions on safari, out to dinner or hosting at home.

All the pieces in this launch collection are designed to be both versatile as well as beautiful. For example, try wearing your Double Wrap Bracelet as a beautiful leather necklet, or take two or three of the Double Wrap Bracelets (in the same or different colors, like Burnt Orange and Azure, or Raven and Lily), and connect them end to end to use as a beautiful belt. We believe you will never want to be without them.

As individual or corporate gifts (with each piece wrapped like every piece we sell, in our signature Naylor & Naylor packaging) they won’t fail to impress.

So, welcome, explore and enjoy this collection. We are here to answer any questions you may have. Whether you are treating yourself or someone special, we hope you will find a beautiful piece to treasure. And remember, the holidays are just around the corner when we will be adding new pieces, seasonal colors and leathers for every