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1 (239) 325 1808

Every Naylor & Naylor piece is expertly handcrafted in Italy. Designed to be elegant, yet versatile. Worn time and again whatever the occasion, wherever life takes you.

Handcrafted in Italy. Inspired by Life.

Journal - Master

Welcome to Naylor & Naylor’s launch collection of bench made, luxury Italian leather accessories and jewelry, a collection that reflects our European-American heritage and love of travel, fashion, art and design.

Filtering by Tag: Blaith

Blaith, Our Mother

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Our beautiful, stylish mother was born in the 1920’s in the West of Ireland, spending her childhood between the lovely countryside of County Clare on the Atlantic coastline, and the bustling city of Limerick with its port on the Shannon River.

She was the second youngest of six children, who, with her four brothers egging her on, was somewhat of a tomboy, riding horses, climbing trees, swimming and playing a number of other sports, including, field hockey, tennis and golf.

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